



(Cell metabolism activator and repair promoter HMWYN01)



  1. 增強細胞代謝:HMWYN01可以增強細胞代謝活性,有助於細胞生長與功能。
  2. 抗發炎作用:HMWYN01具有抑制發炎反應的能力,減少細胞對發炎刺激的反應。
  3. 保護特性:當暴露於外部刺激或損傷時,HMWYN01可以保護細胞免受進一步的傷害,有助於維持細胞的健康和完整性。
  4. 促進膠原蛋白合成:HMWYN01 有助於增加膠原蛋白合成,這對於組織修復和再生過程至關重要。
  5. 加速傷口癒合:HMWYN01 促進傷口加速癒合,包括切口和其他形式的皮膚損傷。

總體而言,HMWYN01 是一種多功能生物活性物質,具有促進細胞健康和組織修復的潛力。

Characteristics of HMWYN01

  1. Enhanced Cell Metabolism: HMWYN01 can boost cellular metabolic activity, aiding in cell growth and functionality.
  2. Anti-inflammatory Effect: HMWYN01 possesses the ability to suppress inflammatory responses, reducing cellular reactions to inflammation stimuli.
  3. Protective Properties: When exposed to external stimuli or damage, HMWYN01 can shield cells from further harm, helping to maintain cellular health and integrity.
  4. Promotion of Collagen Synthesis: HMWYN01 contributes to increased collagen synthesis, crucial for tissue repair and regeneration processes.
  5. Accelerated Wound Healing: HMWYN01 facilitates the expedited healing of wounds, including incisions and other forms of skin damage.

Overall, HMWYN01 is a multifunctional bioactive substance with the potential to promote cellular health and tissue repair.

This test section demonstrates that the raw materials used in HMWYN01 do not contain the four major heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium.

2.本部份檢測經由國際標準組織 (International Organization for Standardization,簡稱:ISO)的體外細胞毒性試驗(ISO 10993-5)證明HMWYN01對細胞並無造成細胞毒性,可視為一安全的物質

This section of testing, conducted through the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in vitro cytotoxicity assay (ISO 10993-5), demonstrates that HMWYN01 does not induce cytotoxicity in cells, thus indicating its safety as a substance.

This section of the experiment confirms that HMWYN01 effectively reduces the production of nitric oxide and the cytokine IL-6 in RAW264.7 cells stimulated by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inflammation response. Therefore, HMWYN01 demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects.

細胞活力是指一個細胞群體中健康的活細胞所占的比例,細胞的活力可藉由測定持續進行中的代謝活動和酵素活性等細胞生理活動來評估。本試驗證明HMWYN01具有提高皮膚纖維母細  胞代謝活力的能力
Cell viability refers to the proportion of healthy, living cells within a cell population. Cell viability can be assessed by measuring ongoing metabolic activity and enzyme function, among other cellular physiological activities. This experiment demonstrates that HMWYN01 has the ability to enhance the metabolic activity of dermal fibroblasts.

This experiment shows that HMWYN01 exhibits significantly higher capability in promoting the metabolic activity of dermal fibroblasts compared to competing products on the market.

UV radiation can easily cause acute skin damage, such as sunburn, and has cumulative effects, leading to long-term skin issues including pigmentation, aging, and skin cancer. In this experiment, we irradiated dermal fibroblasts with UVB radiation at a wavelength of 312nm to simulate the damage caused by UVB exposure to cells. We compared different groups including cells without any protective treatment exposed to UVB (Control), cells treated with HMWYN01 for protection against UVB exposure (HMWYN01), and cells treated with NAC, a known protective agent against UVB exposure (NAC), to assess their impact on cell viability. We found that adding HMWYN01 effectively reduced UVB-induced damage to dermal fibroblasts, with statistically significant differences observed. This indicates that HMWYN01 has a protective effect on fibroblasts exposed to UVB radiation.

The results of this section of the experiment showed that in the control group, the accumulation of collagen decreased significantly from 42.6±23.9 µg/mL at 0 hours to 21.4±6.9 µg/mL at 48 hours (p=0.0148). In contrast, the experimental group with HMWYN01 added showed a slight decrease in collagen accumulation from 48.4±28.8 µg/mL at 0 hours to 44.3±11.4 µg/mL at 48 hours (p=0.6805), with no statistically significant difference observed. Therefore, this experiment demonstrates that HMWYN01 has the characteristic of modulating collagen content.

8.為了瞭解HMWYN01對於促進纖維母細胞傷口癒合的效果,我們進行了傷口癒合試驗(Wound Healing assay)。在本試驗中我們發現有添加HMWYN01的試驗組與無添加HMWYN01的控制組在24小時的傷口癒合速度上存在統計上的顯著差異,且高濃度的HMWYN01-H與低濃度的HMWYN01-L在傷口癒合的速度亦具有統計上的差異,亦即HMWYN01對於傷口的癒合具有明確的濃度效應。因此,本項實驗證明HMWYN01具有促進傷口快速癒合的功能
To understand the effect of HMWYN01 on promoting wound healing in dermal fibroblasts, we conducted a Wound Healing assay. In this experiment, we found a statistically significant difference in the wound healing rate at 24 hours between the experimental group with added HMWYN01 and the control group without HMWYN01. Additionally, there was a statistical difference in the wound healing rate between the high concentration HMWYN01-H and low concentration HMWYN01-L groups, indicating a concentration-dependent effect of HMWYN01 on wound healing. Therefore, this experiment demonstrates that HMWYN01 has the capability to promote rapid wound healing.

9.為了評估HMWYN01對於實際皮膚切割傷的傷口癒合效果,我們進行了老鼠離體傷口癒合試驗。在本試驗中我們發現添加塗抹HMWYN01於受測老鼠皮膚的切割傷試驗組(HMWYN01)與無添加HMWYN01於受測老鼠皮膚的控制組(Control)從第九天、第十二天、第十六天與第二十天時傷口癒合的速度具有明顯的統計差異。因此綜合in vitro與in vivo的試驗結果,本實驗證明HMWYN01具有促進傷口快速癒合的功能
To evaluate the wound healing effect of HMWYN01 on actual skin cut wounds, we conducted an ex vivo wound healing assay on mice. In this experiment, we observed a significant statistical difference in the wound healing rate between the test group (HMWYN01) where HMWYN01 was applied topically to the cut wounds on the skin of the mice, and the control group (Control) where HMWYN01 was not applied, on the ninth, twelfth, sixteenth, and twentieth days. Therefore, based on the results from both in vitro and in vivo experiments, this study demonstrates that HMWYN01 has the ability to promote rapid wound healing.


Wound healing is a complex process involving cell migration, granulation tissue formation, angiogenesis, and extracellular matrix remodeling, all of which depend on the regulation of the extracellular matrix. This experiment found differences in re-epithelialization, inflammation, and angiogenesis between the control group where HMWYN01 was not applied to the cut wounds and the test group where HMWYN01 was applied to the cut wounds. This result demonstrates that HWYN01 has a clear effect on promoting skin wound healing and quality.